Thursday, September 24, 2015

Busy busy, but 10%!!

Hey folks!

I'm dashing around madly prepping for this trip to Toronto (we leave Friday morning to drive for two days, then spend all of Sunday at the Word On The Street book fair --booth #101, come say hi-- and then drive back all Monday and Tuesday) and so I don't have much time to update the blog.

But I've been more or less staying on top of my writing goals. I'm up to over 15,000 words in total (spread over both WIPs) so that means I'm 10% of the way to my end goal! Woohoo! 10% may not sound like a lot, and yes, it's a little bit behind schedule, but it's still momentous and I'm pretty happy.

Anyway, here's a look at some of the promotional materials we're taking with us to Toronto. Don't forget to come say hi if you're in town! (Word On The Street, Toronto, booth #101, 11am to 6pm)

My graphic design skills are mediocre at best, but hopefully they will at least serve as conversation starters. 


  1. Your graphic design skills seem fine to me! ;) I'm sure people will be intrigued and excited to talk to you.

    1. Thanks, Jess! Seems to have worked, more or less. Whew! :-)
