Monday, February 8, 2016

For those of us who like data

Hey folks,

So, I'm recovering from a nasty illness that had me down and out for all of last week. Consequently, I'm way behind on my Indie Authoring videos and such, for which I apologize. However, for those who are interested in independent authoring I can't recommend enough. Run by highly successful indie author Hugh Howey (who was once kind enough to let me interview him) and a number crunching tech guy who simply goes by the call sign Data Guy, is a fantastic resource for authors who are trying to decide between independent and traditional publishing routes. It's also useful if you've already decided one way or the other but would simply like to keep abreast of publishing industry trends in sales and author earnings. Their latest report (which just came out today) can be found here.

If you want to make educated decisions about your publishing path, there is no better source.

As for everything else... I'm working to catch up on, well, everything. There's lots to do. I will post more as I succeed in ticking off accomplishments.

Hope everyone is enjoying their winter. Artemis is enjoying hers.

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